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Just Eat the Worm
Course Outline- Just Eat the Worm
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Introduction-Week 1 - The Art of Developing and unleashing Creative Thinking
Day 1 - Your Course Introduction - The Journey Begins (7:20)
Day 2 - The fundamental blocks to open solutions
Day 3 - The time flow in a zone of creativity is now
Day 4 - Absolute focus on each detail is critical
Day 5 - Paper trade as a method investors use
Day 6 - Deploy Self-reflection
Day 7 - Creativity Exercise.
Week 2 - Just Eat the Worm
Day 8 - A Job is Only an Opportunity (7:41)
Day 9 - Procrastination Feeds off of Fear
Day 10 - The Most Common Regret of all
Day 11 - Procrastination is...?
Day 12 – When will you eat the worm?
Day 13 - Examples of Procrastination
Day 14 - Believe in yourself and Your Abilities
Believe in yourself and Your Abilities. Week 3 - Belief in Yourself and Abilities
Day 15 - Nothing Build-out of Nothing (7:51)
Day 16 - The Notion of Working Hard
Day 17 - What are Your Feelings?
Day 18 - Feelings Bring Results
Day 19 - On July 11, 2020
Day 20 - Impulse Can Suppress Fear
DAY 21 - When to Analyze Your Belief System
Week 4 - Bet on you—Invest in Yourself and Keep Learning
Day 22 - Learn to Invest in Yourself (6:14)
Day 23 - Asking the Right Questions
Day 24 - Reflecting is Like...?
Day 25 - Don’t Confuse a Steppingstone
Day 26 - Acquiring Skills (The million in you)
Day 27 - Investing in Yourself
Day 28 - Betting on Yourself
Week 5 -: Economy of time
Day 29 - Anything You Can Control. (8:41)
30 - Maximizing Your Time
Day 31 - All These Wasted Hours
Day 32 - Discover Your Prime Time
Day 33 - One Effective Way to Plan
Day 34 - Dealing with Mental Blocks
My Insights Week 6 - Lead Your Life & Never Waste a Crisis
Day 35 - Inspired by My Mentor (8:16)
Day 36 - One of The Lessons
Day 37 - Making A Difference
Day 38- Talk to Act
Day 39 - Things That Make a Person Valuable
Day 40 - The crisis Has Revealed This!
Day 41 - Make Every Crisis Your Path to Success
Just Eat The Worm Cheat Sheet & BONUS video how to become RICH
Cheat Sheet
Bonus Lecture: The right Million Dollar Mindset to ACHIEVING whatever you want in 2021. Guaranteed Result
The right minset and actions produces result
Bonus: Motivational Track- Just Eat The Worm & Higher Is Calling
About The Author- Higher Is Calling (1:48)
Just Eat the worm-You Have Greatness In You (1:54)
Just Eat The Worm-????? (2:51)
Just Eat The Worm-Goals & Dreams (2:55)
Just Eat The Worm-The Power Of The Mind (2:56)
Day 1 - Your Course Introduction - The Journey Begins
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